Blog Post

February 13, 2022

Reimagine and build with PUBLIC

Going forward, our mission is to more directly help public sector bodies transform the services they offer in order to create a better society for everyone. And we have rebranded ourselves to better reflect our work delivering digital transformation to help our clients in the public sector achieve technical excellence. 

Our Journey  

We started life as an investor and accelerator, supporting and building startups to win government contracts. PUBLIC has rapidly earned a reputation as a market leader in bridging the gap between government and startups, enabling technology to transform Europe’s public sector. 

Our innovation programmes have led over 18 public sector bodies, from NHSX to the Danish Ministry of Business & Industry, to access better technology solutions. GovStart is one of the leading GovTech accelerators which has supported 48 startups to date assisting them to achieve over £59m in investment, with £19m in public sector contracts won. 

Jump to 2022 and PUBLIC now delivers those very same contracts. In a transformative 19 months we have worked with many government bodies especially as they have had to grapple with the impact of the pandemic. We have delivered innovation and digital transformation projects for The Cabinet Office, Ministry of Justice, Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, Department for Culture, Media & Sport and Ministry of Defence amongst others.

For PUBLIC the COVID-19 crisis forged our new path. One where we could leverage our deep sectoral expertise, knowledge and networks from across the GovTech ecosystem to create solutions that promise long-term impact. From that moment on we have embraced that this evolution of our work, to digitise government, is exactly what PUBLIC was destined to do. 

Today, we are bigger and stronger than ever - our extraordinary PUBLIC family based in both the UK and Germany is quickly nearing 100 people, doubling our headcount from last year. This fast growth reflects the increasing recognition that we’re bringing something unique to the table. Combining deep skills in user research, service design and prototyping. PUBLIC today supports public sector bodies to modernise, build and accelerate their digital services.  

We’re excited and proud to evolve our brand in order to better communicate the depth  of expertise that PUBLIC truly represents. It marks a watershed moment in our journey.

Our New Brand

In 2021, we decided we wanted to refresh our website to better reflect who PUBLIC is today. Since we had expanded our transformation offer and shifted our focus towards doing more advisory projects and less investment in startups, we made the decision to update our branding. When discussing which direction to take we decided the most important step was to demonstrate a more friendly, helpful and mission-driven brand identity to better reflect the company we have become. 

PUBLIC’s new visual identity is inspired by our core spirit of bringing a dynamic, progressive, and innovative approach to our clients’ transformation needs. Not only in helping achieve public sectors’ technology and policy ambitions but also providing a better vendor experience through our unique understanding of the start-up world. We chose our new colour pallet to symbolise growth, imagination, trust and a brighter future. This reflects our commitment to continuously innovate and adapt to serve our clients better. 

A common thread that ties our brand identity together is the use of shapes which represent the building blocks for innovation, advancement and transformation. Combining these elements and making them work together demonstrates our ability to simplify the complexities of integrating emerging technologies within public service models to deliver impacts that matter. 

What Remains

Behind our new look, we remain true and faithful to keeping alive what makes us special: coming from the startup ecosystem. It’s what got us here. It’s why the PUBLIC team, only now much larger and technically talented, continuously shoots for Mars, works with purpose and gets it done, smarter. 

As you notice the changes in our branding and promotions, connect us with on social media, and of course, don’t hesitate to reach out to hear more about what PUBLIC can help you achieve. Until then, keep an eye on PUBLIC as we continue our journey and mission to become Europe’s leading government-focused technology company.

When PUBLIC was founded in 2017, we hoped to create an enduring GovTech ecosystem, one that would reinvent what it means to solve public sector problems by unlocking and using innovation from the start-up world. Since then, that vision has become a reality - thousands of firms are now working with public bodies, many of them helped by PUBLIC. GovTech has become established as a sector, attracting talent and capital, and producing great products.


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Photo by the author

Alexander de Carvalho

CEO & Co-Founder

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